Accelerate, or Die.

This is an anti-thesis, and you'll find it entirely opposite to the long, boring Zemuria Handbook you might have read as a Zemuria Team member.

This culture book is the unofficial survival handbook that defines how we work apart from the necessary legalities and the boring things mentioned there.

Consider this handbook I am writing as your personal spiritual guide for the rest of your life at Zemuria. For legalities and all other mandatory processes, you must read our Zemuria Handbook.

But as long as you're loyal to the company, and you do everything necessary for the company to succeed, and as long as you are a part of the company's soul, this culture book is your savior.

At this point, it's safe to say that the Zemuria Handbook is for those for whom we want to throw the book at them.

This culture book is a guarantee from me as the CEO to personally give you the privilege of what you could be, unburdened from what you should be by regulations and laws that were brought in place due to some assholes and idiots who are no longer with Zemuria.


Do not think this is an illegal over-reach but a privilege that I bestow upon the best in the company who earned what they've got. I will personally give all special privileges to team members via email, which supersede certain requirements mentioned in the Zemuria Handbook. All other legalities and mandatory requirements as required by our company policies stay the same.

If you're a newcomer in the company, you'll see people like this around you with these privileges. Aspire to be them, or you'll not survive here for long.

Accelerate, or Die.