Zemuria Employee Handbook Zemuria Inc.

  • Move Welcome
    Open Welcome

    Hello and welcome! 

    Thank you for joining Zemuria. We are excited to see what you will achieve with us. This handbook defines who we are and how we work together. We are deeply committed to creating a fair and productive workplace, and we believe that with your help, we can achieve this. We’ve created this handbook to guide you and ensure that you feel secure and valued in our company. 

    This handbook is not a contract or a guarantee of recruiting you. It’s a collection of our expectations, commitments, and responsibilities. Please read this staff handbook carefully and consult it whenever you need to. By staff, we mean executive, HR, employee, contractor, intern, trainee, apprentices, and/or volunteer.

    Our company year is between January and December of the same year, whereas the financial year is between April of the current year and March of the following year.

    Zemuria, for all purposes, refers to Zemuria Inc., U.S.A., and Mercemur Technologies Private Limited, India.

    Your First Week

    Welcome 531 words
  • Move Getting to know our company
    Open Getting to know our company

    Getting to know our company

    Zemuria is a community-centric, tech-enabled Venture Studio. We started with e-commerce, and realizing that our merchant communities needed a better market reach, we have now added blogs and news media. Our communities then encouraged us to create an educational product to prepare them to explore productive, meaningful life journeys.

    Together, with community engagement, we continue to ideate on emerging opportunities. Our diverse talent pool of product owners/CEOs comes from the San Francisco Bay Area, New York City. It is supported by our operations headquarters in Pondicherry - a city rich with French legacy layered on likely the oldest-lived Indian civilization, on the shores of the Bay of Bengal, which we whimsically refer to as Pondy by the Bay.

    As a Venture Studio, we can weed or nourish from a portfolio of ventures based on traction and market realities instead of prolonging hubris by blinkered founders, thus iterating good ideas faster. A key differentiator of

    Getting to know our company 188 words
  • Move Employment Policies
    Open Employment Policies

    Employment Policies

    Employment Policies
  • Move Contract Service types
    Open Contract Service types

    Employment Policies

    This section explains our contract types and defines our basic policies.

    Contract Service Types

    • On average, full-time contractors work at least 40 hours per week or 200 hours per month. 
    • Part-time contractors are those who work fewer than 30 hours per week.
    • Full-time contractors are entitled to our company’s complete benefits package

    Depending on country-specific rules, we even have full-time employment roles that are not contract-based but salaried employees of Zemuria. However, complete benefit packages do not differ between Full-time contractors and Salaried employees; they just differ for compliance purposes.

    Contract Service types 97 words
  • Move Equal opportunity employment
    Open Equal opportunity employment

    Equal opportunity employment

    Zemuria is an equal opportunity employer. We don’t tolerate discrimination against protected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability, or veteran status.) We want all staff (including apprentices, trainees, interns, executives, and HR) to treat everyone respectfully and professionally. In practice, this means that we:

    • Hire and promote people based on skills, experience, or potential and try to reduce bias in every process (e.g., through structured interviews.)

    • Make accommodations to help people with disabilities move about safely on our premises and use our products, services, and equipment

    • Use inclusive language in all official documents, signs, and job ads.

    • Conduct sensitivity and communication training.

    Apart from those actions, we commit to penalizing every discriminatory, offensive, or inappropriate behavior.

    To do this properly, please report any discriminatory action against yourself

    Equal opportunity employment 174 words
  • Move Recruitment and selection process
    Open Recruitment and selection process

    Recruitment and selection process

    Our hiring steps might vary across roles, but we always aim for a fair and effective process in hiring great people. If you are hiring for an open role, you will likely go through these steps:

    • Identify the need for a new job opening.
    • Decide whether to hire externally or internally from our apprentices or interns if they're not assigned to any teams.
    • Review job descriptions
    • Decide on hiring stages and possible timeframes.
    • Review resumes
    • Shortlist applicants.
    • Screen and interview candidates.
    • Run background checks and check references.
    • Select the most suitable candidate.
    • Make an official offer.

    Throughout this process, we aim to keep candidates informed, communicate well with each other, and give everyone an equal opportunity to work with us. Ask our recruiters for help whenever you need to enhance your candidate experience or write an inclusive job description.

    Recruitment and selection process 154 words
  • Move Background checks
    Open Background checks

    Background checks

    If you want to run background checks on candidates, ask our CoS/HR for guidance. This process is sensitive, and we must always abide by laws and ensure candidates understand our intentions. As a general rule, commission a background check for finalists only.

    Depending on the roles, we commission specific checks to ensure the right fit for our team.

    • Criminal record checks
    • Employment history verification
    • Education verification
    • Professional license verification
    • Credit checks (if applicable)
    • Drug screening (if applicable)

    Your employment is not guaranteed until the background checks come clean. If there are discrepancies in the results, post a full investigation we will terminate your employment, even after your onboarding is complete anytime during your employment.

    All results are kept confidential and used only for employment purposes. We've included your right to dispute inaccurate information by cross-verifying found results and allowing you to file an expla

    Background checks 199 words
  • Move Referrals
    Open Referrals


    If you know someone you think would be a good fit for a position at our company, please refer them to our organization by informing our CoS/HR/Manager.

    All external referrals of power (from your local MLA, MP, elected representatives, people who govern or are in public office, etc.) are immediately rejected and discarded. If the referred person carries the referral in person for any recruitment drive (online/IRL), that person/candidate will be blacklisted from all future employment with Zemuria and its affiliated companies for life.

    Eligibility and Instructions

    All Zemuria employees can refer people. You can refer when you know there are open positions or if you feel a specific talent fits right into Zemuria.

    When their referral gets hired, team members will be granted a one-time monetary bonus, extra points during a performance review, or equivalent. Monetary bonuses will be paid along with their next month's payroll. However, they'll lose their referral bonus, which will be ded

    Referrals 393 words
  • Move Attendance
    Open Attendance


    We expect you to be present during your scheduled working hours. If an emergency prevents you from coming to work one day, contact your CoS/HR/Manager as soon as possible. We will excuse unreported absences in severe accidents and acute medical emergencies. But whenever possible, we should know when you won’t be coming in.

    Feel free to use the #leave-request channel in your Discord workspace to let HR/management record your absence and let your teammates know if you won't be coming in.

    All attendance is only marked if you punch in/swipe electronically when you enter the office premises.

    Attendance 99 words
  • Move Workplace Policies
    Open Workplace Policies

    Workplace Policies

    Workplace Policies
  • Move Confidentiality and data protection
    Open Confidentiality and data protection

    Workplace Policies

    This section describes policies that apply to all staff at our company, including volunteers, vendors, and stakeholders. These policies help us create a productive, lawful, and pleasant workplace.

    Confidentiality and data protection

    We want to protect private information about clients, staff, partners, and our company. Examples of confidential information are:

    • Contractor and Staff records
    • Unpublished, Non-Public financial information
    • Data of customers/partners/vendors
    • Customer lists (existing and prospective)
    • Unpublished, Non-Public goals, forecasts, and initiatives marked as confidential

    As part of our hiring process, we may ask you to sign non-compete and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs.) We are also committed to

    • Restrict and monitor access to sensitive data.
    • Develop transparent data collection procedures.
    • Train staff in online privacy and security measures.
    • Build secure networks to protect online data from cyberattacks.
    • Establish data pr
    Confidentiality and data protection 342 words
  • Move Workplace harassment
    Open Workplace harassment

    Harassment and violence

    To build a happy and productive workplace, everyone must treat others well and help them feel safe. Each of us should do our part to prevent harassment and workplace violence.

    Workplace harassment

    Harassment is a broad term and may include seemingly harmless actions, like gossip. We can’t create an exhaustive list, but here are some instances that we consider harassment:

    • Sabotaging someone’s work on purpose
    • Engaging in frequent or unwanted advances of any nature
    • Commenting derogatorily on a person’s ethnic heritage or religious beliefs
    • Starting or spreading rumors about a person’s personal life
    • Ridiculing someone in front of others or singling them out to perform tasks unrelated to their job against their will.

    Sexual harassment is illegal; we will seriously investigate relevant reports. If any employee is found guilty of sexual harassment, they will be terminated. We have active POSH guidelines in our offices in India, or equivalent in other countries

    Workplace harassment 306 words
  • Move Workplace violence
    Open Workplace violence

    Workplace violence

    Violence in our workplace is a severe form of harassment. It includes physical and sexual assault, destruction of property, threats to harm a person or property, and verbal and psychological abuse. We want to avoid those incidents altogether, but we also want to be ready to respond if needed.

    For this reason, we ask you to

    • Report to the CoS/HR/Manager if you suspect or know that someone is being violent. Your report will be confidential, and we will investigate the situation at your discretion.
    • Call our building’s security if you witness incidents of severe physical violence, and for your safety, avoid getting involved.

    We will treat staff who verbally threaten others as high risk, and they will receive an appropriate penalty. If the CoS/Management finds that an employee commits an act of violence, we will terminate that individual and possibly press criminal charges. Staff who damage property deliberately will be solely responsible for paying for it.

    Workplace violence 161 words
  • Move Supporting victims
    Open Supporting victims

    Supporting victims

    To support victims of workplace violence, we may:

    • Cover relevant medical bills.
    • Pay for mental health treatment if needed.
    • Provide victims with our lawyer’s services to help them file lawsuits.

    Get help early on. Seek help from others early on to mitigate conflicts. For example:

    • If you experience conflicts with a colleague, ask your HR/CoS/Manager for advice before tensions escalate. If these conflicts persist, ask your Manager whether you could attend conflict resolution seminars with your colleague.

    • If you are experiencing personal or work troubles, seek help from a mental health professional. Check with your insurance provider to determine whether they cover mental health services, or ask CoS/HR/Manager for information on our Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Your discussions will remain confidential.

    Our organization's foundation is “Mutual Respect,” and we will not allow anyone to compromise this foundation.

    Supporting victims 145 words
  • Move Drug & Smoking Policies
    Open Drug & Smoking Policies

    Drug & Smoking Policies

    Drug & Smoking Policies
  • Move Drug-free workplace
    Open Drug-free workplace

    Drug & Smoking Policies

    Zemuria is a smoke-free workplace.

    Drug-free workplace

    Zemuria is a drug-free workplace. Whether you are an employee, contractor, or visitor, you must not bring, use, give away, or sell any drugs on company premises.

    If you are caught with illegal drugs or show that you are under the influence of substances or show substances or possession of such substances in any random drug test inside the premises, you will face disciplinary action up to and including termination.

    We will conduct drug tests at the management/HR/CoS discretion at any point in your employment for all employees or any employee or group of employees at any time inside our office or any of our properties. For these purposes, consent is a part of your employment contract, and a non-consent (without permission/proper medical justification, which has already been disclosed) will automatically terminate your employment.

    A list of prohibited drugs and substances includes but isn’t limited to,

    • All
    Drug-free workplace 196 words
  • Move Prescription drugs
    Open Prescription drugs

    Prescription drugs

    If you feel that a prescription drug (e.g., an anxiety medication, etc.,) unexpectedly affects your senses, thinking, or movement, ask for the rest of your day off. If your CoS/HR/Manager suspects substance abuse, you may face disciplinary action.

    If you are under regular prescription or use for any medical treatment, please disclose full details, your prescription, and the time length of your prescription to the CoS/HR. The company, in its commitment to your well-being, will direct a medical team to assess if this will impact your ability to work.

    If it's found to do so with an impact that can be reversed after a time-off, the Company may, at management's discretion, provide you with a temporary 'Loss of Pay' break over the mandated 30-day time period that you can take, which will not affect your employment status. You cannot use your sick leave for this reason.

    If it's found to have a non-reversible impact that will affect your employment or performance with the Company, yo

    Prescription drugs 237 words
  • Move Dealing with addiction
    Open Dealing with addiction

    Dealing with addiction

    Being sober is a prerequisite to thriving at our company, and we want to help you as much as possible. We offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) that can help you overcome addictions.

    If you encounter a problem, please contact our CoS/HR. We won’t tolerate substance addiction that results in violent, offensive, or inappropriate behavior.

    All forms of addiction that impact your ability to work and cannot be rectified at your own costs within the 30-day LOP period, even after our EAP, will directly impact your employment with Zemuria with termination for cause.

    Dealing with addiction 96 words
  • Move Section
    Open Section

    Code of Conduct

  • Move Dress code
    Open Dress code

    Code of Conduct

    As an employee of Zemuria, I know that all company policies mentioned above apply to you. We have some different expectations about your behavior at work, which we outline here. We can’t cover every case of conduct, but we trust you always to use your best judgment. Reach out to your CoS if you face any issues or questions.

    Dress code

    Our company’s official dress code is Business/Business Casual/Smart Casual/Casual. This includes slacks/loafers/blouses/boots/shorts etc. However, an employee’s position may also inform how they should dress.

    If you frequently meet with clients or prospects, conform to a more formal dress code. We expect you to be clean when coming to work. As long as you conform to our guidelines above, we don’t have specific expectations about what clothes or accessories you should wear.

    We also respect and permit grooming styles, clothing, and accessories dictated by religious beliefs, ethnicity, or disability.

    Dress code 154 words
  • Move Conflict of Interest
    Open Conflict of Interest

    Conflict of Interest

    When a conflict of interest arises, your personal objectives may diverge from your obligations to us. For instance, while accepting a bribe might seem advantageous to you, it's illegal and a violation of our business ethics.

    If we become aware of such behaviors, you will be terminated and face legal trouble. For this reason, conflicts of interest are a severe issue for all of us. We expect you to be vigilant in spotting circumstances that create conflicts of interest for yourself or your direct reports.

    Follow our policies and always act in our company’s best interests. Do not let personal or financial interests get in the way of your job whenever possible. If you are experiencing an ethical dilemma, talk to your CoS, HR, or Manager, and we will help you resolve it.

    Conflict of Interest 137 words
  • Move Moonlighting
    Open Moonlighting


    Copied and inspired heavily by 37 Signal's Moonlighting Policy.

    Moonlighting means working other professional, paid jobs outside your work at Zemuria. It’s not a black-and-white topic. There are one-time gigs, other pursuits, or opportunities that help you grow and make life interesting. We want to support that. But we want to ensure professional endeavors outside of Zemuria don’t create conflicts of interest or affect your time, dedication, or performance at Zemuria. So, it’s a delicate balance.

    With that in mind, here are some examples of what we’d consider OK and what we would consider a conflict of interest and not OK:


    • An occasional side gig, free or paid, for someone you know. For example, if you want to work on a friend’s website or a design or writing project for something you’re involved with, that’s fine.

    • An occasional speaking gig, free or paid. Someone’s going to pay you to give a talk somewhere? That’s fine as long as it doesn’t involve multiple days of

    Moonlighting 632 words
  • Move Cyber security and digital devices
    Open Cyber security and digital devices

    Cyber security and digital devices

    Cyber security and digital devices
  • Move Internet usage
    Open Internet usage

    Cyber security and digital devices

    This section deals with all things digital at work. We want to set some guidelines for using computers, phones, internet connection, and social media to ensure security and protect our assets.

    Internet usage

    Our corporate internet connection is primarily for business. But you can occasionally use our connections for personal purposes as long as they don’t interfere with your job responsibilities. Also, we expect you to temporarily halt personal activities that slow down our internet connection (e.g., uploading heavy files) if you’re asked to.

    You must not use our internet connection to

    • Download or upload obscene, offensive, or illegal material.
    • Send confidential information to unauthorized recipients.
    • Invade another person’s privacy and gain access to sensitive information.
    • Download or upload pirated movies, music, material, or software.
    • Visit potentially dangerous websites that can compromise our network and computers’ safety.
    • Perform un
    Internet usage 162 words
  • Move Cell Phone
    Open Cell Phone

    Cell Phone

    We allow the use of cell phones at work. But we also want to ensure that your devices won’t distract you from your work or disrupt our workplace. We ask you to follow a few simple rules:

    • Use your cell phone in a manner that benefits your work (business calls, productivity apps, calendars.)

    • Keep personal calls brief and use an empty meeting room or common area to avoid disturbing your colleagues.

    • Avoid playing games on your phone or texting excessively.

    • Avoid using your phone for any reason while driving a company vehicle. (Or any vehicle for that matter)

    • Don’t use your phone to record confidential information.

    • Don’t download or upload inappropriate, illegal, or obscene material using our corporate internet connection.

    Cell Phone 129 words
  • Move Corporate email
    Open Corporate email

    Corporate email

    Email is essential to our work. You should use your company email primarily for work, but we allow some uses of your company email for personal reasons.

    • Work-related use: You can use your corporate email for work-related purposes without limitations. For example, you can sign up for newsletters and online services that will help you in your job or professional growth.

    • Personal use: While you can use your email for personal reasons, it's crucial to keep it safe. Avoid spamming and disclosing confidential information. For example, you can email friends and family and download eBooks, guides, and other safe content for personal use.

    No matter how you use your corporate email, we expect you to avoid:

    • Signing up for illegal, unreliable, disreputable, or suspect websites and services.
    • Sending unauthorized marketing content or emails.
    • Registering for a competitor’s services unless authorized.
    • Sending insulting or discriminatory messages and content.
    • Intentio
    Corporate email 202 words
  • Move Social media
    Open Social media

    Social media

    We want to provide practical advice to prevent careless social media use in our workplace. We address two types of social media use.

    A. Using personal social media at work

    You are permitted to access your personal accounts at work. However, we expect you to act responsibly, according to our policies, and ensure that you stay productive. Specifically, we ask you to

    • Discipline yourself and avoid getting sidetracked by your social platforms.
    • Ensure others know that your account or statements don’t represent our company. For example, use a disclaimer such as “opinions are my own.”
    • Avoid sharing intellectual property (e.g., trademarks) or confidential information. Avoid any defamatory, offensive, or derogatory content. Directing such content toward colleagues, clients, or partners may violate our company's anti-harassment policy.

    B. Representing our company through social media

    If you handle our social media accounts or speak on our company’s behalf, we expect you

    Social media 240 words
  • Move Staff relationships
    Open Staff relationships

    Staff relationships

    Staff relationships
  • Move Fraternization
    Open Fraternization

    Staff relationships

    We want to ensure that staff relationships are appropriate and harmonious. We outline our guidelines and ask you always to behave professionally.


    Fraternization, which includes dating or being friends with your colleagues, is a natural part of workplace dynamics. In this policy, we define “dating” as consensual romantic relationships and sexual relations.

    We explicitly prohibit non-consensual relationships, which constitute sexual violence, to ensure a fair and respectful workplace for all. 

    All relationships, including one-time sexual relationships, must be disclosed to the management within 48 hours of officialization. Additionally, if two people have had prior relations, they must disclose them to management.

    Fraternization 106 words
  • Move Dating Colleagues
    Open Dating Colleagues

    Dating colleagues

    If you start dating a colleague, maintain professionalism and keep personal discussions outside our workplace. You are also obliged to respect your colleagues who date each other. We won’t tolerate sexual jokes, malicious gossip, and improper comments. If you witness this behavior, please report it to CoS/HR/Manager.

    All rules of fraternization apply to this section.

    If colleagues dating each other create a specific conflict of interest, they cannot work together in the same team. If there are no other roles in other teams in which one could fit in, one of them will have to resign, or both of their employments will be impacted with a termination without cause. This policy ensures fairness and maintains a professional work environment for all.

    If colleagues dating each other do not maintain all rules of professionalism, they'll be subjected to Progressive Discipline or will impact their employment with a direc

    Dating Colleagues 168 words
  • Move Dating managers
    Open Dating managers

    Dating managers

    Consensual relations with direct reports must be reported within 48 hours and are permitted only after approval. If management/HR does not approve them for any reason, they cannot work together in the same team.

    If there are no other roles in other teams in which one of them could fit in, one of them will have to resign, or both of their employments will be impacted with a termination for cause. This policy, which ensures fairness and maintains a professional work environment for all, is backed by serious consequences for non-compliance.

    If any relationship is permitted, it is permitted, provided no acts of favoritism and abuse of authority are found and/or reported.

    If any such incidents are reported, a transfer or termination will occur based on the investigation.

    This condition extends to every manager above an employee. Also, if you act as a hiring manager, you aren’t allowed to interview your partner for your team.

    Dating managers 158 words
  • Move Friendships at work
    Open Friendships at work

    Friendships at work

    Staff who work together may naturally form friendships in or outside the workplace. We ask that you carefully weigh the pros and cons before entering any peer relationship, as it will impact your work.

    We encourage maintaining a professional working environment and treating your colleagues with professional respect. This will help you grow in your career and develop strong judgment and decision-making skills without emotional bias.

    It's important that we all focus on our work and keep personal disputes outside our workplace. This ensures productivity and a positive work environment. Any disputes that involve the workplace will be subjected to our internal disciplinary proceedings and compliances.

    Friendships at work 110 words
  • Move Staff Relationships with Other Organizations
    Open Staff Relationships with Other Organizations

    Staff Relationships with Other Organizations

    If an employee begins a romantic involvement with an individual from another organization situated on the same premises/office building or with someone associated with a direct or indirect competitor, the employee must disclose the nature of the relationship promptly.

    This includes any one-time sexual encounters or casual meetings such as dates. This disclosure must be made to the Chief of Staff (CoS) or the Human Resources (HR) department within 48 hours or sooner. This measure is necessary to mitigate and assess any potential legal implications both presently and in the future.

    The same policy of disclosure within 48 hours or earlier applies to organizations, individuals, or companies that deal with us in any form or kind, including, but not limited to, vendors, clients, etc.

    Any violation of this policy or our compliance will be subject to disciplinary proceedings.

    Staff Relationships with Other Organizations 144 words
  • Move Employment of relatives
    Open Employment of relatives

    Employment of relatives

    At our company, we are committed to a culture of meritocracy. Everyone is hired, recognized, or promoted based on their skills, character, and work ethic. We have put restrictions in place to prevent nepotism, favoritism, or conflicts of interest, ensuring that all employees are valued for their contributions. 

    To our company, a “relative” is someone related by blood or marriage within the third degree to an employee. This includes parents, grandparents, in-laws, spouses or domestic partners, children, grandchildren, siblings, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, step-parents, step-children, and adopted children. 

    You can refer your relatives to work with our company as employees. However, here are our only restrictions:

    • You must not be involved in a supervisory/reporting relationship with a relative.
    • You cannot be transferred, promoted, or hired inside a reporting relationship with a relative.
    • You cannot be part of a hiring committee when your relative is interviewed
    Employment of relatives 180 words
  • Move Workplace visitors
    Open Workplace visitors

    Workplace visitors

    If you want to invite a visitor to our offices, please ask for permission from our CoS, HR, or your Manager first. Also, inform our reception/gate/front office of your visitor’s arrival. Visitors should sign in and show identification. They will receive passes and be asked to return them to the reception/ gate/front office once their visit is complete.

    When you have office visitors, you also have responsibilities. You should

    • Always tend to your visitors (especially when they are underage).

    • It's essential to keep your visitors away from areas where confidential records are kept. This ensures the security of our sensitive information and protects your visitors from any unnecessary exposure.

    • Prevent your visitors from proselytizing your colleagues, gathering donations, or requesting participation in activities on our premises.

    • It's important to note that anyone who delivers orders, mail, or packages for staff should remain at our building’s reception or gate. If yo

    Workplace visitors 193 words
  • Move Solicitation and distribution
    Open Solicitation and distribution

    Solicitation and distribution

    Solicitation is requesting money, support, or participation for products, groups, organizations, or causes unrelated to our company (e.g., religious proselytism, asking for petition signatures.) Distribution means disseminating literature or material for commercial or political purposes.

    We don’t allow solicitation and distribution by non-employees in our workplace. As an employee, you may solicit from your colleagues only when you want to:

    • Ask colleagues to help organize events for another employee (e.g., adoption/birth of a child, promotion, retirement).

    • Seek support for a cause, charity, or fundraising event our company sponsored, funded, organized, or authorized.

    • Invite colleagues to employee activities for an authorized non-business purpose (e.g., recreation, volunteering.)

    • Ask colleagues to participate in employment-related activities or groups protected by law (e.g., trade unions.) 

    Please do not disturb or distract colleagues from their wo

    Solicitation and distribution 145 words
  • Move Compensation & Development
    Open Compensation & Development

    Compensation & Development

    Compensation & Development
  • Move Payroll
    Open Payroll

    Compensation & Development

    This section outlines our guidelines for compensating contractors according to their employment status. We also describe our performance management and employee development policies


    We will pay your agreed-upon compensation by checks, bank transfers, or cash by the first week of the following month. You should be diligent in clocking in and out and using our timesheet software so we can accurately calculate your pay.

    To be eligible for payroll, you must have been present for at least 15 calendar days during that calculated month.

    All staff on contract in India and the U.S. need to submit invoices before the payroll date to be eligible to be considered for payroll.

    All contract staff in India must ensure their PAN number is correct to ensure all TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) compliance. The HR team will help you with important forms associated with your tax returns or any other necessary compliance, etc.

    Time of payment

    The wages for every perso

    Payroll 598 words
  • Move Benefits and perks
    Open Benefits and perks

    Benefits and perks

    Benefits and perks
  • Move Staff health
    Open Staff health

    Benefits and perks

    In this section, we describe what we offer to our staff. We provide information on our health insurance plans and benefits like work-from-home options and company-issued equipment. All are subject to change without notice

    Staff health

    Staff health is important to us. We don’t discriminate against people with disabilities or health conditions but want to do everything possible to help our staff stay healthy. At a minimum, we provide group health insurance to all eligible staff. For more information about our insurance package, contact CoS/HR/Manager.

    We have also established non-smoking and substance abuse policies to protect staff health. We will create a workplace with minimal noise and good lighting and offer a canteen service and wellness programs.

    Staff health 122 words
  • Move Work from home
    Open Work from home

    Work from home

    We uphold a policy of working from the office, which fosters high productivity and teamwork while promoting a healthy work-life balance. However, we understand that there may be excusable concerns that require a different approach. With your manager's consent, you can work from home occasionally (WFH).

    • Please inform your CoS or your Manager at least two days in advance that you want to work from home. In a rare emergency, you may work from home without prior approval, but call or text your CoS/Manager as soon as possible.

    • When working from home, it's important to maintain a sense of connection with your team. Please use a fast and secure internet connection and devices, and choose a workspace free from distractions. Regular check-ins with your team will make collaboration easier and keep you connected.

    • If inclement weather (e.g., a cyclone) occurs, please check your Office Discord to see if the office is officially closed. Let us know if you judge that your commute during

    Work from home 196 words
  • Move Remote working
    Open Remote working

    Remote working

    Remote working refers to working from a non-office location temporarily or permanently. We do not encourage remote working owing to the nature of our work and our intense all-hands-on-deck-get-your-hands-dirty work culture.

    If you’re an office-based staff, you may work remotely for a maximum of two weeks per year taken consecutively or split into a week each. You may arrange this if you are a new parent or have a short-term disability.

    If you have another reason, talk to your manager. Submit your remote working requests at least one week in advance so that your team can plan the same.

    Remote working 102 words
  • Move Staff expenses
    Open Staff expenses

    Staff expenses

    You may be required to travel, whether in or around India or overseas, in connection with your contractual agreement with the Company upon short notice to you.

    We will reimburse you for your expenses and costs while traveling for work and any other expenses incurred by you during the course of your contractual agreement, provided all bills and records are maintained only if they are pre-authorized to you in an email by the CoS/Management.

    A limit for such expenses will also be set depending on the time and destination of travel.

    The company may also provide you with an interest-free loan for extra expenses like house rent, emergencies, etc., during your employment.

    Upon cessation of your contract/employment, the company is at will and entitled to either collect back, deduct from your final settlement/payroll, or even write it off at their discretion on good standing and release a No-Due Certificate.

    Staff expenses 152 words
  • Move Parking
    Open Parking


    Parking is provided for all Zemuria members. The office building administration staff or building security determines the parking place. We expect you to cooperate cordially and follow their instructions. We expect you to keep our parking lot clean. Please behave responsibly to avoid causing damage, injury, or loss of property.

    We will not assume any liability for theft, vandalism, fire, or damage to a staff vehicle in our parking lot.

    Parking 72 words
  • Move Company-issued equipment
    Open Company-issued equipment

    Company-issued equipment

    You may receive company cell phones, laptops or other devices, and furniture as a staff member. Unless otherwise mentioned in your contract, any equipment we offer belongs to our company, and you may not sell it or give it away. 

    You are also responsible for keeping our equipment safe and in good condition. If your equipment breaks or malfunctions, let us know so we can arrange to have it repaired. If it's a non-accidental break or malfunction that occurs due to an employee's irresponsibility, the repair cost will be recovered from the employee.

    A separate device agreement will be signed for all employees who are given devices, which helps track whether the device is re-assigned to a different employee.

    Please do not keep any personal data on your Zemuria-issued laptop. You should maintain a separate, personally owned machine if you need a home computer. The company reserves the right to and may be required to confiscate your laptop or its data at any point.

    Company-issued equipment 167 words
  • Move Theft and damage to company equipment
    Open Theft and damage to company equipment

    Theft and damage to company equipment

    Our equipment is not insured for theft and damage. We ask you to inform us within 24 hours if your equipment is stolen or damaged.

    Please also file a theft statement (affidavit) with the police and submit a copy within 48 hours. Absence of the same will be treated as personal misplacement, and you will be responsible for compensating the organization for the said theft or damage.

    Theft and damage to company equipment 74 words
  • Move Security of company-issued devices
    Open Security of company-issued devices

    Security of company-issued devices

    We advise keeping your company-issued computer, tablet, and cell phone secure. You can do this if you:

    • Keep all devices password-protected.
    • Ensure you do not leave your devices unattended.
    • Install security updates for browsers and other systems as soon as updates are available.
    • Log into company accounts and systems through secure and private networks only.
    • Follow all instructions for disk encryption, anti-malware protection, and password management you received with your equipment.
    Security of company-issued devices 81 words
  • Move Working hours
    Open Working hours

    Working hours

    Our company operates between 0800 and 1800 hours except Saturdays and Sundays. Our timings are in IST. 

    You are required to punch your attendance into the office at 0800 hours.

    A delay in reporting to work on time will result in a reduction in compensation. The CEO personally does all special waive-offs on any reductions in compensation at his own discretion.

    Some departments may work after hours, too, but this is based on inter-team coordination.

    For all purposes, you must work 48 hours a week.

    Working hours 88 words
  • Move Holidays
  • Move Working on a holiday
    Open Working on a holiday


    Our company does not observe holidays except the local government-mandated holidays, such as:

    Screenshot 2024-07-12 224515.png

    Please keep an eye out for any updates in the form of circulars, as they may change periodically. Employees are entitled to take a day off for any religious holiday associated with their faith.

    Unused holidays are not paid upon termination or resignation.

    Working on a holiday

    Staff is welcome to work on a holiday. If you need a team member to work on a holiday, inform them at least three days before. Also, please inform your HR to adhere to local norms.

    Special privileges

    The ability to come in and leave at any time - i.e., flexible working hours is a privilege. Allowing extra paid leave (PTO) above your pre-existing PTO is also a privilege. Any allowances above your mentioned leave policies are all privileges. All privileges are approved by the CEO only and can be with

    Working on a holiday 163 words
  • Move Paid time off (PTO)/Casual Leave
    Open Paid time off (PTO)/Casual Leave

    Paid time off (PTO)/Casual Leave

    Under government norms, you are entitled to 12 casual days off annually. You can choose to take these 12 days off at your convenience. You can take your PTO with us any time after your first month. Your PTO/Casual Leave time is prorated based on your start date during your first year at Zemuria.

    If you want to use PTO, send a request on the ticket tool at least 48 hours before in Discord. You can take your leave if your manager, CoS, or the CEO approves.

    We encourage you to use your time off throughout the year. Unused PTOs are not rolled over, and you'll be paid the monetary equivalent for those unused days at the end of the company year on your next month's payroll. 100% attendance will be rewarded with an additional monetary bonus.

    Exceeding the 12 casual days or taking unapproved PTO/Holiday will result in a Loss of Payment (LOP) day. Please note that the maximum number of days you can take off in a year is 30 LOP.

    All leave policies apply only to full-ti

    Paid time off (PTO)/Casual Leave 253 words
  • Move Sick Leave
    Open Sick Leave

    Sick leave

    Per government norms, you are entitled to 12 sick days off in a year. For new team members who join in the middle of the company year, our sick leave is prorated based on your start date during your first year at Zemuria.

    You can take sick leave to recover from short-term illness, injuries, mental issues, and other indispositions. If you have the flu or other contagious disease, please use your sick days.

    If you become sick, inform your CoS, manager, and team and request sick leave through our Discord ticket tool. We insist that you rest and recuperate for a day before returning.

    If you want to attend routine health care (e.g., doctor’s or dentist’s appointments), use your PTO or arrange a flexible work schedule.

    Occasionally, we may ask you to submit a physician’s note or other medical certification, which will be verified by the Company's medical team, and complete a sick leave form. We will do this if you are absent for over three days of sick leave.

    We encourage you to use

    Sick Leave 336 words
  • Move Bereavement leaves
    Open Bereavement leaves

    Bereavement leaves

    Losing a loved one is traumatizing. If this happens to you while you work with us, we want to support you and give you time to cope and mourn. You are entitled to a maximum of 5 days of paid leave for the same under your PTO/CL.

    You may take your bereavement leave on consecutive/non-consecutive days to

    • Arrange a funeral or memorial service.
    • Attend a funeral or memorial service.
    • Resolve matters of inheritance.
    • Fulfill other family obligations
    • Mourn.
    • Travel long distances for funerals.

    All leave policies apply only to full-time contract staff and salaried employees of Zemuria. Interns and Apprentices are not covered, and all absences except official holidays are Loss of Pay.

    Internal disciplinary procedures will be initiated if any granted leaves are found to be falsely claimed at any point during your employment, regardless of when they were taken. The leave will be removed, and the equivalent amount will be deducted from your next payroll.

    Bereavement leaves 166 words
  • Move Earned/Privilege Leave
    Open Earned/Privilege Leave

    Earned/Privilege Leave

    From the 2024 company year, all full-time staff members of Zemuria will have 12 days of Earned/Privilege Leave after every 12 months of continuous employment.

    Continuous employment refers to the period of continuous service inclusive of sick leaves, authorized paid-time offs, and loss of pay not less than thirty days in the aggregate.

    For team members who join in the middle of the company year, earned/privilege leave is prorated based on their start date during their first year at Zemuria.

    Your earned/privilege leave rolls over year to year (Carry-forward) with a maximum bank of 24 days at any time. If you are terminated without cause or resign from Zemuria with earned/privilege leaves in your bank, you'll be paid the monetary equivalent for those unused days (prorated at the time of your departure).

    All leave policies apply only to full-time contract staff and salaried employees of Zemuria. Interns and Apprentices are not covered, and all absences except official h

    Earned/Privilege Leave 209 words
  • Move Maternity Leave
    Open Maternity Leave

    Maternity Leave

    Zemuria, regardless of whether it is full-time contract staff or salaried employees, does not discriminate in its maternity leave policy. All payments during maternity leave marked as 100% will be based on the previous three months of payroll, with any recent hike in payment in the last three months before the maternity leave is deferred until maternity leave ends and the team member returns to work.


    To be eligible to apply for maternity leave, the mother should have worked with us for at least 80 working days in the past 12 months.

    Upon verification of application and grant of maternity leave, a mother can take up to 26 weeks at 100% pay. Although the laws of India recommend a split of 8 weeks of pre-natal leave and 18 weeks of post-natal leave, we will leave it at your own discretion. The same leave policy will extend even if it's beyond two children.

    All Adopting/Commissioning mothers can take up to 12 weeks of maternity leave at 100% pay.

    In case of medical t

    Maternity Leave 289 words
  • Move Leaving our company
    Open Leaving our company

    Leaving our company

    Leaving our company
  • Move Progressive discipline
    Open Progressive discipline

    Leaving our company

    In this section, we describe our procedures regarding staff resignations and terminations and refer to our progressive discipline process, which may sometimes result in termination.

    Progressive discipline

    Here, we outline steps we will take to address staff misconduct. We want to allow staff to correct their behavior when possible and assist them. We also want to ensure that we thoroughly investigate and handle serious offenses. Our progressive discipline process has six steps of increasing severity. These steps are

    • Step 01: Verbal warning
    • Step 02: Informal meeting with supervisor
    • Step 03: Formal reprimand
    • Step 04: Formal disciplinary meeting
    • Step 05: Penalties, Legal Action, AND OR Termination of employment.

    Different offenses correspond to different steps in our disciplinary process. For example, minor, one-time offenses (e.g., Breach of our dress code policy) will trigger Step 1. More severe violations (e.g., Sexual harassment) will trigger Step 5.


    Progressive discipline 285 words
  • Move Resignation
    Open Resignation


    You resign when you voluntarily inform HR or your manager that you will stop working for our company. We also consider you resigned if you don’t come to work for five consecutive days without notice.

    All types of employees are required to provide two weeks' notice, fulfill all employee obligations, and transfer knowledge before resigning. All managerial positions require a month’s Notice, fulfill all employee obligations, and transfer knowledge before resigning.

    We prefer that you submit a written and signed notice of resignation for our HR records. We will reply with an acceptance of the resignation letter within two days. If you haven't already done so, the CoS/HR/Manager will inform the management that you are resigning. Whether you want to announce your resignation to your team is up to you, but we encourage you to be open.

    Resignation 139 words
  • Move Forced resignation
    Open Forced resignation

    Forced resignation

    You can resign at any time of your own free will, and nobody should force you to resign. Forcing someone into resigning (directly or indirectly) is constructive dismissal, and we won’t tolerate it and will submit it under misconduct. Employees are encouraged to report such behavior to management. 

    Specifically, we prohibit staff from

    • Creating a hostile or unpleasant environment.
    • Demanding, campaigning against, or coaxing a staff to resign.
    • Victimizing, harassing, or retaliating against staff.
    • Forcing staff to resign by taking unofficial adverse actions (e.g., demotions, increased workload).
    Forced resignation 94 words
  • Move Termination
    Open Termination


    Terminating staff is always unpleasant but sometimes necessary. If that happens, we want to ensure we act lawfully and respectfully. All employment is at will, and you may be asked to leave if your contract or employment is terminated.

    Depending on the nature of your termination (for cause or without cause), you may be eligible for payouts and other compensation as described in your leave policies.

    We may terminate staff either for cause or without cause.

    • For-cause termination is justified when staff breaches their contract, engages in illegal activities (e.g., embezzlement), disrupts our workplace (e.g., harasses colleagues), insubordination, misconduct, performs below acceptable standards, or causes damage or potential damage to reputation or financial loss to our company.

    All for-cause terminations will follow an internal disciplinary inquiry, with satisfactory evidence recorded. The employee will have a chance to appeal within 48 hours against the decision to prove that t

    Termination 487 words
  • Move References
    Open References


    When we terminate staff, we may provide references for those who leave in good standing, meaning that you shouldn’t have been terminated for-cause. If you are laid off, you may receive references/recommendations. Please ask your manager.

    If you resign, you may ask for references, and your manager has a right to oblige or refuse.

    References 56 words
  • Move Policy revision
    Open Policy revision

    Policy revision

    Policy revision
  • Move Conclusion
    Open Conclusion

    Policy revision

    We will always strive for fairness and equal opportunity and penalize offensive and illegal behaviors. But, as laws and our environment change, we may revise and modify some of our policies. 

    We have established an annual revision of our handbook to keep it up to date with legislation and employment trends. Please contact HR if you spot any inconsistencies or mistakes. We are also happy to hear your ideas about how to improve our workplace.

    Conclusion 78 words