Culture at Zemuria Jason Samuel, Zemuria Inc.

  • Move Accelerate, or Die.
    Open Accelerate, or Die.

    Accelerate, or Die.

    This is an anti-thesis, and you'll find it entirely opposite to the long, boring Zemuria Handbook you might have read as a Zemuria Team member.

    This culture book is the unofficial survival handbook that defines how we work apart from the necessary legalities and the boring things mentioned there.

    Consider this handbook I am writing as your personal spiritual guide for the rest of your life at Zemuria. For legalities and all other mandatory processes, you must read our Zemuria Handbook.

    But as long as you're loyal to the company, and you do everything necessary for the company to succeed, and as long as you are a part of the company's soul, this culture book is your savior.

    At this point, it's safe to say that the Zemuria Handbook is for those for whom we want to throw the book at them.

    This culture book is a guarantee from me as the CEO to personally give you _the privilege of what you could be, unburdened from what you should

    Accelerate, or Die. 289 words
  • Move The Five Laws of Z
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    The Five Laws of Z

    The essence of our culture and every decision you take while you work here, will fall into five simple rules.

    1. Speed >
    2. Laws of Physics >
    3. Work Done is W = F d
    4. Be close to your problems.
    5. Engineering >

    You can frame this, take a screenshot, and put it as your mobile wallpaper, or do anything to remember this. But as long as you're in Zemuria, even if someone wakes you up from sleep, you should be able to tell all five of them and explain them.

    The Five Laws of Z 99 words
  • Move Know your Laws
    Open Know your Laws

    Know your Laws


    Sense of urgency to finish what we have at hand at a maniacal level. 

    We will continuously operate at speed. The urgency to ship fast is something that must be super high. This supersedes every other fun element or importance. Is something too big to ship fast? Break it down into smaller chunks and ship them fast. 


    While we build ground-breaking things here and solve enormous problems for different industries, only the laws of physics become the rules. The rest are mere suggestions. Delete everything unnecessary and add things later when you iterate if you’ve deleted too much. Always ask ‘why’ to delete.


    Work done is always measured as force times displacement. w = fd.

    This is one of my favorite rules; I often repeat it in office interactions. This means that work done here will always be measured regarding the energy expended in applying a force to move an object from point A to point B. You know what it means. Sitting in front of the PC for a lon

    Know your Laws 756 words
  • Move Conclusion
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    There is no conclusion. I will write more as we grow big, using real-life experiences to shape your expectations. For now, this is more than enough for you to survive.

    Accelerate, or Die.

    Conclusion 35 words